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Bev Stell
Please click on the link below to view this week’s newsletter. Tuesday 8th Sept
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Music Workshops On Tuesday 22nd September the children from Howard Class went to Ampleforth College for a day of musical workshops. The first session was a singing group – we practised songs to sing later in the day. Our second workshop was drumming! This was great fun (and very noisy)! We followed simple rhythms and...
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Every year we offer the opportunity for our Year 6 pupils to participate in the cycling awareness course – bikeability. This is run by two qualified instructors who teach the children about road safety and the rules and regulations when riding their bikes on the road. The children spend the first part of the course...
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Happy 50th Birthday in 2015! Our school is 50 years old this year and at the end of the summer term we celebrated with a wonderful party! The children celebrated in school, and the local community, past pupils and teachers were all invited to an afternoon tea party. It was a wonderful occasion to meet...
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Dracula Rock Show The highlight of the end of the school year celebrations is often the theatrical performance by our Key Stage 2 children. This year was no exception. Our play was ‘The Dracula Rock Show’, which was a fantastic mix of humor and great songs with amazing characters such as Dracula, Inspector Shirley Holmes,...
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Sports Day 2015 Wow! It was a really hot day on Wednesday when the school held it’s annual sports day. The children enjoyed taking part and they all demonstrated great sportsmanship! Thank you to the PTFA for the ice lollies – they were greatly appreciated by all!  
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Bewerley Park 2015 Our Year 6 children set off on their residential visit to Bewerley Park on Monday 1st June. Situated in heart of the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Bewerley Park Centre is ideally located. They have been providing high quality outdoor learning, using real outdoor activities in the natural environment, for over...
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Our Butterfly Garden Thank you to the PTFA for helping to raise money to update our Butterfly Garden. We love the quiet space it gives us and we really enjoy watching all the wonderful butterflies and other insects that visit the plants in this area. Our Chair of Governors, Mr Glover has spent a great...
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Fencing Club On Wednesday 3rd June we held our first fencing club session. We tried our first steps and practised the ‘On Guard’ salute. The sessions are paid for through the primary sports funding.
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Our Annual Visit to Sweden This year our residential visit to Sweden took place in May. A group of our Year 6 pupils set off late one Thursday evening to travel to Stansted airport where they took an early morning flight to Gothenburg. The group were accommpanied by Mr Fewlass and Mrs Coverdale. They started...
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