Bewerley Park
Our Year 6 children participated in a residential visit to Bewerley Park in September. They wrote about their experiences and particular events that were special for them. Here is one such report.
The Leap Of Faith
Written by T.S.
On Monday the Year 6’s went to Bewerley Park for a whole five days. We went without our parents! We went on Monday 18th to Friday 22nd September. It was an amzaing week, finally on Friday we packed our bags for the journey home but before we left we had to do the leap of faith- well when I say we had to do it, I mean we had the choice.
On Friday morning we got up, had breakfast and went to the purple class room. After we found enough helmets and harnesses to go around we went to the leap of faith. When we got there we clipped the first person on. The first person was Joe. When I went up I was terrified! First we went up a ladder to some wooden rungs that we had to put our feet and hands on. When we got up there we had to stand on a platform that was really wobbly which made me and my friends really nervous! The climb up was terrifying. I started slowly. I thought I couldn’t make it but I had confidence in myself. Once you were up you could see loads. The view was beautiful! Once you were up, you had to stand on the platform but first you knelt on the platform so you had to stand up then jump for a trapeze bar. We were allowed to do it in pairs. I was with Alfie. It was harder to do it in pairs than it was on your own because there was very little space on the platform. The platform was like a bird table. It was really scary jumping for the trapeze bar. When you jumped it was hard because of the wobbly platform.
Once we had finished doing the leap of faith we put the stuff away. After we had done that we had lunch. While we were having lunch we talked about how we had done and how the week gone. We talked about the week and how we felt now that we had done the leap of faith. I felt really proud of myself for doing it and going for 5 days without my parents!