An open morning for parents with a focus on writing!
On Wednesday 27th November we invited our parents and carers into school to share our literacy sessions with us.
Writing is a key focus for school improvement this year and we wanted to share our work. Parents and even some grandparents came into school just after morning registration, they participated in the beginning of our literacy lesson and then helped us with our writing.
In Howard class we have just started writing a science fiction story, this links with our space theme this half term. We talked about interesting, exciting vocabulary and built up a word bank of WOW words to use in our stories. At the end of the session we all had some exercise with ‘Kung Fu Punctuation’!
In Neville class we used the story, ‘A Tiger Who Came to Tea’ as a stimulus for creating our own story about ‘An alien who came to tea’! We enjoyed thinking about and describing the settings and the characters in our story.
In Bulmer class we completed a range of writing tasks, some were on the writing table, some were based on ordered work in maths and some of us worked with our parents to begin to plan our ‘Big Write’ piece of work. Mums and Dads even sat on the carpet with us!