Towards the end of each academic year the children in Year 6 take part in statutory assessments. These take the form of either written tests or are compiled over the year from teacher assessments. The results are shared with the Local Authority and DfE.
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in reading, writing and maths: 44%
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in reading: 67%
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in writing: 100%
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in maths: 78%
Percentage of children working at greater depth in reading: 44%
Percentage of children working at greater depth in writing: 22%
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in reading, writing and maths: 70%
Percentage of children working at greater depth in reading, writing and maths: 20%
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in reading: 80%
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in writing: 70%
Percentage of children achieving at least the expected standard in maths: 80%
Percentage of children working at greater depth in reading: 30%
Percentage of children working at greater depth in writing: 20%
Percentage of children working at greater depth in maths: 20%