At Sheriff Hutton Primary School we value and are dedicated to the teaching of Art and Design. We see this as a fundamental part of school life and are committed to providing an arts rich curriculum for our children. We believe that by developing this, we can contribute to the quality of our children’s lives, both within and beyond school. We see art and design as a means to support learning in a range of ways. The skills that are developed in these subjects can be transferred across the curriculum and thus aid learning.
As a school and in accordance with the National Curriculum’s expectations, we aim to ensure that all pupils:
Starting from Reception, children build their skills year on year.
We are moving to use the Access Art new primary curriculum to support our own curriculum needs, our original art progression documents are included below.
Units are planned across the two year rolling programme, however they are sequenced to ensure all children have experience of art in a range of forms throughout each pathway. The pathways have been chosen to link with cross curricular themes, if relevant. Artists are linked with each pathway.
Art curriculum overview Access Art links
Art Progression link to Access Art
Art Vocabulary linked to Access Art
Our children enjoy the self-expression that they experience in both Art and Design.
They are always keen to learn new skills and work hard to perfect those shown to them. The children’s art is very often cross-curricular, and helps them to express feelings and emotions in art,
as well as show their knowledge and understanding in history, geography and science.
Through their art and design, the children are able to reach out into the community, with our pupil’s artwork proudly displayed in the local Village Show and Art Society Exhibition.
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