Dear Parents / Carers,
Non-Uniform Day
We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday this week, please bring a chocolate donation. This can be anything from a small bar to a box. All donations will go towards the chocolate tombola at the Christmas Fair on Saturday.
School Stage
Every year the younger children perform their Christmas nativity in the school hall on the stage. For several years our stage has been kindly stored by Mr and Mrs Clarke. However, as their daughter is now due to leave school in July, we are looking for a new home for the stage. A barn or outside storage is ideal and the option to transport it is on a trailer would be perfect!
We would like to say a very BIG thank you to Mr and Mrs Clarke, their support has been amazing.
Staff News
We have two student teachers starting school with us over the next couple of weeks. Miss Picknerell is studying for a PGCE qualification through the North Star Teaching Alliance, of which we are a member. She will be working in Neville class and then Bulmer class. Ms Klassen-Jones is also taking a PGCE course, but with York St John, she will be working with Howard class.
The class teachers are still in charge of the children’s learning and present during the lessons. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Following Mrs Borthwick’s departure we have a GTA vacancy for 17.5 hours a week (every morning). The post is currently being advertised on the North Yorkshire website.
School Clubs
Monday: Gymnastic club 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Tuesday: Singing Club 3.30pm – 4.30pm (Young Voices)
Wednesday: Tennis Club 8.20am – 9.00am
Creative Club for KS2, 3.30pm – 4.45pm
Football Session with York City Community Football,
Thursday: Judo 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Friday: Tennis Club 8.20am – 9.00am
CANCELLED : Multi-skills with Mr Warriner
Star of the Week!
Well done to the children who received our Star of the Week award on Friday!
Bulmer Class – Summer Shipley
Neville Class – Isobel Horgan Knock
Galtres Class –William Glover
Howard Class – Joseph Brownbridge
Sheriff Hutton Primary School
Important Dates!
Friday 1st December: Non uniform day for chocolate tombola prizes.
Saturday 2nd December: PTFA Christmas Fair, 1 – 4pm.
Thursday 7th December: Craft afternoon – everyone is welcome.
Tuesday 12th December: Bulmer and Neville class nativity at 2.30pm and 6.00pm
Wednesday 13th December: Christmas lunch
Sunday 17th December: Singing in the church at 2.30pm
Tuesday 19th December: Carol Service at 7.00pm
Friday 22nd December: Last day of the autumn term, Carols around the tree at 2.30pm
Monday 8th January 2018: Teacher’s training day.
Tuesday 9th January: Children return to school.
Sporting Events for the Autumn Term
Sports Hall Athletics