Dear Parents / Carers,
Young Voices
It is that time of year again when some of our children from Key Stage 2 travel down to Sheffield Arena to take part in the Young Voices Concert. I am pleased that so many parents / carers will be joining us this year, we hope you have a great time.
Railway Museum
Neville class are going on exciting visit to the National Railway Museum in York on Thursday. This visits links to their topic of transport this half term.
Road Safety
Please can we remind everyone to avoid parking on the yellow zigzag lines outside the school gates, this is particularly important when children are arriving and leaving school. Thank you.
Staff Vacancy
We have a staff vacancy in After School Club. We are looking for someone to be part of our team on Monday and Friday sessions 3.30pm – 5.30pm. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please let us know.
School Clubs
Monday: Gymnastic club 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Tuesday: Singing Club 3.30pm – 4.30pm (Young Voices) LAST ONE!
Wednesday: Tennis Club 8.20am – 9.00am,
Creative Club for KS2, 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Football Session with York City Community Football,
Thursday: Judo 3.30pm – 4.30pm,
Friday: Tennis Club 8.20am – 9.00am ,
Multi-skills with Mr Warriner 3.30pm – 4.15pm
Star of the Week!
Well done to the children who received our Star of the Week award on Friday!
Bulmer Class – Jack Hammond
Neville Class – Aaron Anderson
Galtres Class – Leland Lunn
Howard Class – Robin Townend
Important Dates!
Friday 9th February: Break up for Half Term.
Monday 19th February: Children return to school.
Sporting Events for the Spring Term
Wednesday 7th February : Year 2 Multiskills