Howard Class Spring Term Newsletter Part 1-2014
Dear Parents
Happy New Year! Welcome back after what has hopefully been a fun and relaxing Christmas holiday.
This half term our school topic is ‘Long, Long Ago.’ This will involve learning about the Ancient Greeks. We will be learning about what it was like living in the Ancient Greek world and compare similarities and differences between now and then. We will be learning about Greek Gods and Goddesses, Athens and Sparta and also finding out about myths and legends. The children will have lots of extended writing opportunities throughout this topic. Fiction writing opportunities will involve the children producing a playscript based on a Greek myth and writing their own myth based on their own mythical creature. Our non-fiction writing will look at writing balanced arguments on a particular topic (for example-would you prefer to grow up in the state of Athens or Sparta?) In art, we will be designing and making some Ancient Greek artefacts using clay, such as pots, containers and jewellery. We will also be designing and making masks linked to our topic. Our science topic this half term is all about materials and their properties. We will be carrying out different experiments and investigations to test our ideas. In ICT we will be learning about ‘control.’ This will involve learning how to program devices to follow a set of commands.
Maths and English will continue on as normal. Continuing to underpin all of our writing will be our VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and, in particular, punctuation. Y6 children will be receiving some extra homework this term based on a range of punctuation, spelling and grammar activities. Maths will begin by continuing to develop the children’s understanding of decimals, using capacity and weight to bring this concept to life. The new KIRF will also be coming out shortly, but please continue to practise the key times table facts and use the ‘beat that sheets’ that I handed out on parents evening.
P.E sessions will continue to take place on Wednesday and Friday. The outdoor sessions this half term will focus on hockey skills. This will help the children to develop their attacking and defending skills and give them the opportunity to play in competitive games. Indoor sessions continue to focus on gymnastic skills.
*Y5/6: Please check whether your child brought a letter home before Christmas about the Sports hall athletics event, which takes place this Friday from 1-3pm and return it ASAP to confirm that they can take part.
Your child should still have a book from school ‘on the go’. In addition to this, they will also have the opportunity to choose a non-fiction book from the school library, which they will be able to change on a weekly basis, or keep for longer if they prefer. Please help ensure these books come back to school each day.
Homework will continue to be handed out on a Wednesday and collected in the following Tuesday. In Maths, the KIRF target and calculation target will form the bulk of the homework. Also, don’t forget to make use of the excellent mathletics website. In English, it will usually have an element of punctuation practice. There may also be some topic work related activities from time to time. Please just ask if you or your child is ever unsure of what to do.
Extra curricular clubs
It was great to see so many children come along to the Board Games Club on Thursday lunchtime last year. This club will continue to run up until half term. If your child does attend, can you remind them to try and bring in a game so we have a good range of different games to play.
As always, feel free to pop in or give me a call if you need any clarification on any of the areas outlined above.
Kind regards
J. Fewlass