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Howard Class Autumn Term Newsletter

140px-Thomas_Howard_Arms.svgHoward Class Autumn term newsletter part 2-2013



Dear Parents

Welcome back after what has hopefully been a relaxing half term break!  Thank you for all the photos and family tree information you all brought in before the break.  It was really helpful and much appreciated.


The majority of our learning and skill development this half term will revolve around the theme of ‘Space’.  In science we will be leaning about the earth, sun and moon, the solar system and much more.  If your child has anything they wish to bring in and share on this topic then please feel free to let them bring it in!  Many other aspects of the curriculum will also tie into this topic, such as literacy, art and DT (junk modelling and building our own space buggy) ICT (using databases).


Maths and English will continue on as normal.  In English will be developing our skills in writing non-chronological reports, fiction writing (including sci-fi stories, writing story openings, dialogue in stories and descriptive writing.  Underpinning all of this we be our VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and, in particular, Punctuation.  Maths will begin by looking at collecting, organising and presenting data in different ways, before moving on to multiplication and division, and fractions and decimals.



P.E sessions will continue to take place Wednesday and Friday.   There have been occasions where this has changed so please try to ensure your child has a P.E kit and suitable indoor and outdoor footwear in school at all times.  The outdoor sessions this half term will focus on tag rugby.  This will help the children to develop their attacking and defending skills and give them the opportunity to play in competitive games.  Indoor sessions continue to focus on gymnastic skills.



Your child should still have a book from school ‘on the go’.  In addition to this they will also have the opportunity to choose a non-fiction book from the school library, which they will be able to change on a weekly basis, or keep for longer if they prefer.  Please help ensure these books come back to school each day.

Homework will continue to be handed out on a Wednesday but it will be collected in the following TUESDAY, rather than Wednesday.  In maths, the KIRF target and calculation target will form the bulk of the homework.  In English, it will usually have an element of punctuation practice.  There may also be some topic work related activities from time to time.  Please just ask if you or your child is ever unsure of what to do.


Extra curricular clubs

As you may have seen in this weeks school newsletter, football club has now finished for the winter months but will resume early in the spring.  As there are lots of clubs running after school at the moment, I will begin a lunchtime board games club on Thursday’s from 12.30-1.00pm (starting Thursday 14th November) There will be a letter going out soon with more details so if your child would like to attend please send the signed slip back.


As always, feel free to pop in or give me a call if you need any clarification on any of the areas outlined above.




J. Fewlass

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