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November 2, 2013
Dear Parents / Carers, Congratulations! We would like to congratulate the following children who received the ‘Star of the Week’ award on Friday. Emily Langford Tia Stewart George Lascelles Lunchtime award: Melissa Brownbridge   School clubs Monday lunchtime – debating with Mr Glover for Howard class. (THIS REPLACES THURSDAY AFTER SCHOOL.) Monday – netball with...
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Thank you to the PTFA and all of our parents! The recent fund raising events have helped to purchase our new markings.               In June we had some additional markings added to our playground. They include a range of activities which can also be utilised during our PE lessons....
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Our new playground area is a great success. The improved surface will ensure we can use this area throughout the whole year. We hope the space will provide a ‘quiet zone’ where the children can participate in table top games, drawing activities etc. We would like to thank the PTFA who have helped to raise...
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